All posts by Christy

The person who keeps it all together (mostly) with the aide of coffee!


What do you do when a friend passes away? It sucks. You have to go and say, “Goodbye” or “Hey, we’ll see you later.” Which is what we did Saturday.

I have been a super hot mess of distracted the past few weeks because Geoff had to leave his earthly shell, I know that his soul that very essence of who he is – is fine because he was a good, honest and loving man in life, but I tear up every single time I think about how going home after a stint in the hospital became a frickin tragedy.

My heart is so very heavy when I think about him being gone because he was an absolute peach, like you have no idea, he was really really nice … and I downright weep for Sandy because she hurts so much; she will not have her husband for the hugs they shared and planned on sharing for years, the laughter, the music that he made and all of those moments of chatter and discussion they had, the morning cups of coffee, the everything .  They had a beautiful life together, sure with ups and downs like everyone else but beautiful and loving and with two wonderful girls that just made their life all the more bright.

Geoff was a person with a zest for life, there was always a quip on his lips to make people laugh, there was a diligence to him that everyone respected, he would do anything for his family including selling plasma if need be.  He would work all week and drive all the way from Ocala (where they had finally settled) to come to Jacksonville to pick Dee up to spend the weekend with Courtney since our girls have been BFF’s forever and our car wasn’t the greatest which it proved yet again yesterday morning when we tried to start it at their house to come home and it flooded.  I could almost hear him standing there laughing at our stupid car and the irony of it doing what it does at the worst possible time.

Geoff was a protector, a friend to just about everyone because I honestly don’t think he’d ever met a stranger,and a fabulous fabulous father.  He glowed with pride when Megan, Courtney, and Dee graduated, he was a source of encouragement for anyone who needed it, he would give you the shirt off his back, and was an all around damn fine man the likes of which you don’t find many of nowadays.

I just don’t know what else to say, my eyes keep leaking man, we’re all going to miss you.


11:25 AM

Ugh, I mean seriously [sigh] I finally get new ink for the epson to print a photo and I can’t do it because even though there is new ink the head is clogged or something.  Now mind you I also have a sweet laser printer but of course it does not print photo quality stuff and it needs new color toners anyway to the tune of $40 for generics.  My little epson though was $8 for ink with free shipping.

I just want to print something ya? WHY??? Why can’t stuff just do what the heck it is supposed to do? Frog darn it, poo, ka, ugh.

Naughty print head…guess what piece of office equipment is not on the card list? Well, its not on it because it currently cant even print the cards! :-/

So it turns out that Epson printers have a built-in permanent printhead which allows them to go high on quality or something.  Unfortunately if you’re like ME and let the ink run out in a color or something completely before replacing it even though I do make sure to keep the machine off when not in use, then you’ve essentially just mucked the whole thing up.

Of course!

So now I’ve got the windex soaked paper towel under the head for 15 minutes and I’m hoping that helps, the black ink is already doing it’s thing again and I got some yellow stain on my fingers from putting the towel under the head too so I’m hopeful.

I don’t know why Monday type things keep happening on Fridays, but there ya go, lol.

So, to clean the printhead on your epson xp-410 take a stroll over to Ink Magic and check out their how to page. 

1:00 PM

^&%($#*(@*(&!!! Thing still won’t work

Broke out the ancient 1280 to see if I could get it up and running again after years in the closet

Guess what’s printing a frickin picture right now? That’s right, the blasted Epson 1280 that we haven’t used in years after putting on an continuous ink system because it kept eating paper. To be fair it’s still eating paper but if I’m quick like one of those street magicians I can make sure the paper goes where it’s supposed to…the dothingie that goes back and forth has already whacked me more than I care to admit but if nobody saw that bit, did it really happen?

The good news is that it’s printing, it’s not perfect but at least I can have a color example to go by for the paintings if I really really like the color aqua which is the color everything is coming out as in the pink, white, and grey winter picture I snagged to test the printer with. At least the blasted thing is actually attempting something eh?

I’m done, it’s time for lunch.

How was your morning? 😀


So we just got back from talking with the landlord about the not even possible (we thought) situation of a frickin cashiers check (you know those neat checks you get from your bank to pay bills that are absolutely guaranteed) being returned to him.

Now mind you kiddo was on lunch and we’d run up to get her a slush and some nachos as a treat while we were out but of course when we first attempted to swing by the office on the way back the landlord was also out to lunch, because, yeah, food.

So I waited a while and called to make sure he was there first and went on up there…Bella left her lunch sitting on her desk.

Bella (after we got back): Hey Mom, have you seen my nachos?

Me: No?

Bellatrix: Well they’re missing.

We both turn to look at the dog who is sitting there trying to look innocent.

Bellatrix: Gus, do you have something to say?

Me: [giggling]

Gus looks away and back in his version of a shrug.

Bellatrix: Gus, those were Nah Cho nachos.



I am just sitting here shaking my head in wonder because our landlord dropped a line that says;

“Your cashiers check was returned to us.  I didn’t know that could happen.  Said they were unable to locate the account.  If you could check into this I would appreciate it.”


Yeah, my first thought was, well, cashiers checks are guaranteed funds how the heck did that happen?

So I called the bank, and mind you I’ve been giving the landlord cashiers checks from my account for years I mean I have banked with Navy Federal Credit Union since 1994, yes that 22 years, and yes that’s longer than I’ve been a coffee junkie since I didn’t really start drinking so much coffee til after Madeline was born because keeping up with two kids was tiring.

I don’t need this stress I was in a groove of painting and now my muse ran away screaming hysterically and looking to hop a boat to Hawaii for a bit of inspiration and maybe a nice block party.

Well after talking to a super sweet lady named Karen she and I both ended up shaking our heads I think and she basically said,

“…this item was never presented to Navy Federal for payment.  Please advise recipient to inquire with their bank where item was deposited as to why the check was not accepted.  We have no further information because the check was not presented for negotiation. ”

I of course asked if she could send that in an email so that he could take it to his bank with him, which she did.

So basically the ball is back in his court and I went to take him the letter but he wasn’t in the office, because…..Murphysday!


Happy Hamburger Day!

Dave: : Of course

Christy: [nodding] Of course

Dave: : One of those days

Christy: Yep [laughing]

So as many of you know we were supposed to be in Winter Garden for Turkey day, alas we did not make it because the car decided it didn’t want to cooperate.


Dave: : Of course we missed the pumpkin pie which is is like the best part of gathering, well, that and seeing the family 

Christy: I swear, you and sweets [shaking head] now I know where Bellatrix gets her love of anything sugary.

Dave: : Of course

Christy: Annnnyyyyyway, so we had to limp the car back home since home was closer than Dad’s.

Dave: : And all the auto parts places are closed

Christy: At least we had google

Dave: : I’m still amazed at the things that you can find on the internet nowadays.

Christy: You and me both

Dave: : So our Turkey Day was Burger Day and that’s ok because it’s not about the food it’s about the company and being with the ones you love;  and family, even if you aren’t able to spend time with the whole family … even the few you can gather is something to cherish.  I suppose you can look at our car problems and having to come home as an adventure.

Christy: True, it was a good day and after our feast I have to admit gaming for the evening was most enjoyable, lol. You know, most of what we call “One of those days” are actually just funny or weird adventures.

Dave: : Truly, I mean we had to hunt down some hamburger buns and chips on a day when all the grocery stores were closed.

Christy: At least at the end of the real life adventurering there was no boss level dragons or some such, just a slightly freezer burned meal and funnily enough a sweet roll, lol.


Dave: And if they’ve never played Skyrim they won’t even get that reference, but I would like to note that I was pleased I didn’t end up with even a scratch for a change let alone an arrow to the knee, lol. Happy Burger Day 


Christy: Happy Burger Day 


Christy: Yeah, it’s one of those days, ALL DAY LONG.

Dave: Yep

Christy: Aren’t you just so excited?

Dave: Oh yeah, I can’t remember the last time I slept through my alarm.

Christy: I think it was because it was raining, very very soothing and hard to hear the alarm over it.

Dave: Didn’t help that it was like pitch black outside at 6:45

Christy: Oh yeah. Well, at least you had a bit of a reprieve by going to work.

Dave: And I greatly appreciate the travel cup of coffee you made me this morning.

Christy: You’re welcome, you looked like you could use a cuppa more than me at that point.

Dave: True

Christy: You’re actually lucky you went to work when you did, lol.

My coffee didn’t work properly  this morning , oh no. I was just a hot mess today being awake before my regular time, worried about just about everything going on right now including but not limited to the hurricane, the movie that came out because you’re not that guy and we’re broker than a car without an engine if we’re going to be completely honest with the world, then trying to be not in the bathroom with an upset stomach when the teacher was supposed to pull kiddo into a separate class connect room for us to view her progress report because they were doing that will all the kids today (and they didn’t even get around to us, go figure), keeping an eye on the Duval evacuation map and wondering why on earth we don’t even qualify for an actual zone?, and have I mentioned being a woman is occasionally cruddy, that empty nest feeling can still happen to you even if you still have a kid at home because the other two are adults and I still can’t help but worry about them …especially where there’s bad weather :-/

Then I had to convince the dog that yes he really does want to hurry up and do his business despite the fact that it’s raining because of course he hates getting his feet wet even if it’s just sprinkling and stood in the backdoor giving me the ‘are you serious’ look for like 5 minutes when I tried to put him out, then I had to hunt down a noise that I kept hearing that was like a crinkling sound which turned out to be the ferret getting into mischief, the window AC in the living room started making some weird whining sound that kept going even though I turned it off and only stopped when I unplugged it, oh and I forgot to take something out for dinner earlier [sigh] I think I need a vacation or to win lotto.

Dave: Got it all out now?


Christy: Yeah, thank you 

Dave: So lemme tell you about my day, I spent my day picking up signs to put them in a pile so the company that we rent them from will come and get them. So, we gather up all the signs, cones, orange barrels, all the various things that go with a highway job into one place thinking that our part of the job was done… we were oh so wrong.

When the rental company arrived they were under the impression that we were going to deliver said detritus to their office almost an hour away in traffic no less. By the time all the discussions were done we ended up re-moving all the sings, cones, orange barrels and other various things that go with a highway job to another location, in the rain. Yeah.

On a good note, I did re tape our Plexiglas passenger window back into the car while I was waiting in line at the gas pump on the way home.  I haven’t seen lines like that since like ’76 or thereabouts.

Christy: Hang on I need to google detritus.

Dave: Are you telling me there’s a word I know that you don’t know?

Christy: [blush] yeah [peering at google definition] good word usage btw

Dave: I know something else too

Christy: And what would that be?

Dave: The sound in the air conditioner is because there was a leaf in it getting stuck enough to whistle when the strong airflow hits it. You know, detritus.


So, there’s a hurricane coming in case you’ve been living under a rock, it pretty much sucks big time because it’s big and taking it’s time.  I pray that everyone be graced with good luck, a bit of divine protection, and that we all pull through with what really matters… our friends and family.

It’s times like this I’m actually glad we have a Geo because the last 17 bucks we have in the bank account after bills and groceries is enough to fill the tank if we need to evacuate. [sigh]

Be safe folks and send a prayers, positive energy, etc. out to the folks down in the Caribbean they have unfortunately lost loved ones there and this hurricane is really doing a number on them because it’s so slow moving.

Just be safe everyone and evacuate if/when you’re told to.


So as is my want, I scroll through Facebook in the mornings watching ‘friends’ lament about their children, children who’ve got no life skills lament about politics as they still live at home with their parents because it’s tough out there, other folks complaining about other peoples lives, and then of course general stupidity running rampant…yeah, I don’t need soap operas I have social media.  It’s always nice though to read something from Mike Rowe and this morning it was an article he’d shared that was about him from National Review.

I read the article, I liked the article (the link is above) what got stuck in my craw though was a comment from a guy simply going by TJ that said “Yes, there are alternatives to college, but in this day and age, there can only be so many plumbers and electricians.”

I just had to shake my head, because while this mysterious TJ is correct in that “Engineers, doctors, and other highly technical positions still need to be filled.” You can never have enough plumbers and electricians in my humble opinion, lol, but I guess that’s just life experience telling me that if you have a plumbing emergency (and I have before) it’ll be at least 24 hours before someone gets out because they’re usually booked up. I’ll never forget my neighbors plight with water spewing all over her bathroom and her not being able to do a thing about it because nobody knew where the shut off valve for the house was, the good news was the walls pretty much washed themselves at 11 PM.


I guess what I am saying is that we also need people with trade skills, not just a ton of kids coming out of college with a piece of paper that states they have the basic knowledge needed to do some technical job.  For example, nobody would get to where their fancy papered jobs are if it weren’t for road workers. BTW there are usually a ton of available positions in road work starting at laborer if you’re interested, yes you have to start at the bottom because unless you’ve got experience… at the bottom is where you get the beginnings of it for your future trade but working to feed yourself is better than being hungry. 

Just yesterday Dave told me that two of the pipe crew at his job went to lunch and just never came back, a couple weeks before that the ‘new guy’ ran into something with the heavy equipment, showed up clothed in a tank top which is considered improper for their line of work according to the DOT (after he’d had orientation and the company manual that he had to sign off on mind you) and then just wasn’t there anymore and is now the ‘new guy they had’

Is there a point to this rambling? Yes, it’s that, while college is good if you want to get the basics for a technical job (because I guarantee whatever company hires you will also have things you need to learn) it’s not the only beneficial way to get a job out there in the real world…you’d be amazed how fulfilling and lucrative being in construction, lawn care, well drilling, and a variety of overlooked trades really can be. Heck on our way to Disney (finally, lol, it only took us years to get there) we stopped off for a quick bite before we left town and Dave was very animated while pointing out the window and saying, “I dug out that retention pond there and all this sidewalk that you see here on the right. It’s something that people see or utilize everyday and don’t even think twice about but the work I did was useful and the quality of my work will last for years”

And that’s why we like and agree with Mike Rowe, he’s one of us, the people who do the jobs that need to be done that always need more people to do them and are often overlooked.  College isn’t the onlyanswer to a fulfilling career.


Have you ever done something that you wish really really didn’t happen but alas it did? Well, since weird stuff is always happening around us it’s no surprise anymore when it does and we just kinda roll with it.

Anyway so Parker Bows is doing a giveaway on their FB page and all you had to do is like and comment to be entered and so I thought it was time to fess up to what happened to Dave’s crossbow a couple years ago.