Dave: So, let me tell you about my weird little day…

I’m back on days as of Monday (thankfully) seeing as I wasn’t getting decent hours at night because of all the rain that kept sending us home, which is the downside of working outside. Which leads me to today where I’m working with a younger guy from another group and the boss goes “Take this young man with you and teach him how to read grade stakes because we have a ditch that needs to get finished and ready for sod.”

Our day goes pretty normal. The guy is nice, mid twenties and seems intelligent all around which is cool as one thing I can’t stand is stupidity. We hit it off pretty well.  As we’re talking he’s telling me about his girlfriend and other normal guy chat. After lunch he’s like “Hey man, can you take and drop me off after work where my girl works” and I was like, “Yeah sure where is it?” and he was like, “Just up the road on Phillips Hwy not to far.”  So I agreed since it wasn’t really out of my way.

Our day goes on and we get the sod finished the ditch gets opened up the water flows and it’s all very neat and lovely that it turned out like it was supposed to.

We go to the car and we’re chitchatting on the way to his destination and he calls his gf and say hey we’ll be there in a few minutes just meet us out back. I didn’t think anything of it until he’s like  take a right here at the bar and I was like …huh? Because it wasn’t just a bar, it was one of those all nude gentlemen’s clubs.

We come into the parking lot and he jumps out and opens the gate so we can go around back.  Once we’re at the back door he knocks, of course my eyes are darting back and forth and I’m sweating a little under the collar because this is absolute last place a happily married guy wants to be, so of couse when the door opens about 4 females are peeping out around the door in various states of undress.

There is no quick way out of this and there is his girl is wearing a gypsy draped tassled up number that is barely there. I don’t even think the top she was wearing could be called a bra because it was so tiny that it looked more like a tube top for a barbie doll. Whatever it used to cover it wasn’t built for her I can tell you that. Then of course I hear the most dreaded words that you can hear in this situation “OH! Let me meet your friend”

I can hear my wife giggling madly in my head over my luck of getting myself into this kind of situation and I am trying not to stare but I really have no choice because man, it was just all out there. [sigh]  Of course her friend then sticks her head back out and goes “is the other one taken?”

And I’m thinking to myself, ” how do I get out of here without getting in trouble?”  because now she wants us to come in and I’m like I gotta go, and I once again hear my wife in my head like some kind of messed up Jimminey cricket cackling like mad because it’s just one of those days.

Yeah, that’s my kinda luck but that wasn’t the full day. Oh no, I’d pulled a muscle in my leg earlier trying to get into my machine at work so my escape in my manual transmission car was not as quick as it could have been and so I saw more flesh than I ever needed to see.

Now, of course if I had been single this never would have happened. Not in a million years [sigh]


Dave (texting from work): Forgot my lunch

Christy: You’ll just have to go get one then . Though fyi,  if you were considering the leftover chili for your lunch it will still be here when you get home if you want it for dinner…

Trust me when I say I won’t be eating chili today

 Dave :  Where is your sense of adventure?

Christy: It was chili that kept me up til midnight last night, it was the antivirus having a compatibility issue with the windows antivirus that I didn’t even know was on the pc that kept me up past 3 and much to my chagrin the chili kept making itself known.

Dave: ?

Christy: As my eyes watered for hours because of flatulence the likes of which I don’t think I’ve ever experienced I managed to triumph over the evil that is noncompatible programming that was making our computer unsafe due to two companies not being on the same page when it came to updates. 

Dave: …

Christy: And I still have gas

Dave: ROFL


I had the strangest dream last night after finally falling asleep after laying there for hours after working on a project at one of my sites.

I dreamt that Donald Trump was going to buy an old building that needed fixing up so that I could start a small t shirt printing business in the basement of the building and continue renting out the rest of the building (that still had people living there even though it was in shoddy shape after the owner passed) and then I would be able to fix it up for the people whose walls were like literally crumbling.

There was an old and I mean old old fashioned gym at the top of the building that I was going to leave the equipment in for the retro feel but throughout the grounds there were going to be sustainable garden spots to help grow food for a restaurant in the building and the leftover food (if one didn’t accidently run it over like my husband did playing with his newly restored car) would go to the people of the building that needed it.

The building itself was reminiscent of a photo I saw on Facebook yesterday by Dmitry Arkhipov

Stone Island by Dmitry Arkhipov

which you can see even better at his site at

The building in my dream was kinda like the island in the middle of the stream, it was teaming with life and even though eroded at the bottom from time and water it wasn’t going to go down without a fight. An industrious person would make sure it didn’t despite everything going on around it.
Now there was one of those walkthroughs going on for potential buyers I went through the building and he wanted to buy it because it was tht right thing to do but there was some guy against him so he decided to help us purchase it. With a bit of wile and cunning we would have (in his mind, and hey he’s the business guy who would know, lol) the perfect portfolio in our names that made it look like we would be some chumps to the seller but in reality he’d been wanting to get that other company that he was putting in our portfolio that everyone else thought was going to go bust anyway even though he had a great plan for it.

Oh and there was a werewolf living in the building but I drew the line at having ghosts and the were was a nice fellow that didn’t bother anyone unless he was bothered first. And the nice couple I met had a daughter who seemed to be like a combo of an escape artist and a climber with no fear because I saw her in on the stairs all the time when we originally toured it and the family were part and parcel with the building with the father being the maintenance guy doing the best he could with what he had and the mom running the reception or whatever downstairs.

I’m pretty sure we got the building before I got woke up by Dave crawling into bed this morning after his shift but I can’t be sure because as soon as he moved the covers I got cold no matter how warm he was.

Maybe I didn’t need the fan on last night? And maybe I shouldn’t have a glass of wine when trying to work on shirt projects? Because I’m pretty sure in the dream I had also gone to a ‘wedding mall’ no, I’m serious, lol.  It was a huge place where people could rent out rooms for weddings and receptions but the other part of it was filled with shops and all I really wanted to do was get my tee idea printed for as little as possible because the online place I’d been trying to use kept getting a frozen screen while I was working with their tools and I was just fed up. My friend Susie was there with her fab partner for some reason.

Oddly, Donald was in the mall too having a look see at what was going on and someone gave Bella some cake from one of the weddings [scratching head] yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have had a doughnut stick with that glass of wine…

I really want to go back to sleep now because I am still half asleep but once I’ve been woken that’s the end of the story. [sigh] coffee time.

So, I think the question I should have asked myself when I woke up was the dream a lead on to “One of Those Days” ?

Hmmm, lets see:

  • Insomnia 
  • Weird Dream 
  • Woke Early 
  • Woke Freezing (in the middle of summer and … [putting hand on forehead] nope no fever 

Hmm, hang on there is someone at the door?

Okay, yes, it seems like it is going to be one of those days after all. That was Danny letting me know that he and his father won’t be cutting the lawn til Friday instead of this morning because their lawn mower is on the fritz.  Which means with my luck the landlord will be putting a note on my door today telling me I have 72 hours to cut the lawn [sigh]

I need more coffee


So, Dave and I usually chat at lunch now that we finally got him another cell phone and I thought to myself, some of the stuff that we talk about is pretty amusing so I should probably catalog it too and so I’m making another category here on the blog called “Messenger Moments”


To understand today’s bit you have to understand that Dave usually gets up in the morning, makes coffee and checks his email before leaving for work, he also keeps me updated on spending so I can do accounting sooner rather than later… later isn’t so great we’ve learned after 10 years because he’ll forget to tell me and it screws up our budget 



So Facebook has this thing where you can share memories of posts from whatever day you are at.  Today’s was hilarious insights and haha’s courtesy of Bellatrix and I thought I’d share.July 14, 2014 at 9:29am ·

Bella: Does Bacon have vitamins?
Me: Bacon has something even better, it has love.
Bella: Cool [munch munch munch]July 14, 2014 at 5:49pm ·

At the pizza place and Bella was gearing up to eat…
Bella: We have to name the pizza
Me: Let’s call it Fred
Bella: You’re going down Fred, I’m gonna eat you up
Me: [facepalm]



Dave, oh how I love him even if he’s attempting to avoid the ‘honey do list’, lol.  Today’s effort of avoidance was slightly successful for about the 5 minutes.  Oh yes David Scott Ghantt that medicine cabinet will be hung today [evil laugh]


Christy: Oh and now my lovely cabinet is up!

I’d show you the cabinet on the wall but my tablet has a dead battery so here’s just a pic of what was put up as a placeholder 😀

Dave: Life Lesson for the day? Don’t think you’re wife will forget what you have been putting off even with this and the other 3 distractions you attempted 

Christy: Why’s he home from work though you wonder?

Dave: Well, they moved me to the night shift starting today.

Christy: No more sunburn or roasting in the 100℉ or more Jacksonville weather!

Dave: There is that, it’ll be nice for a change. Still want to move somewhere cooler though.

Christy: I’m with you I’m over the weather here to be honest.

Dave: Florida Seasons- Hot, Cold, Hurricane, Tourist

Christy: [laughing] Isn’t there something else on the list you promised you’d help with today?

Dave: Drat.

Christy: [batting eyelashes]

Dave: Now who’s trying to distract whom?


Update 8:25PM

Christy: I find that I need to update the blog post for today and change the category from Miscellaneous Ramblings to One of Those Days, lol.

So far I have managed to:

  1. Break a glass filled with soda when trying to crack my back (do you really wanna know? [grin] it involved a desk chair, a slippery shirt, and some wild flailing that resembled someone trout fishing that ended with me on the ground and broken glass all over the place.
  2. Soak my outfit courtesy of a new hole in the garden hose after painting a wall and going out to clean the supplies off.
  3. Spill chocolate sauce all over the clean outfit I’d put on after the hose incident when the chocolate decided to spill over the side of the little bowl I’d gotten because it tilted while I was slapping at my ankle where a mosquito had managed to attack me indoors…..

Yeah, I might as well just brush my teeth and go to bed now and save myself from any other weird stuff, lol.


Dear Lady at Sams Club who was walking in front of us as we all trudged slowly with a shuffling gait through the receipt check line to get out.

I’m sorry my 8 yr old was walking behind you saying, “Braaaaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnns”

It was a really slow line and I saw you nod when she commented after that, “We’re like a line of zombies Dad!”

I wasn’t about you.

Still, I know it can be a little unnerving to have someone so close behind you say brains in a creepy voice, she didn’t mean to make you jump.

That is all.


Christy: Time for your spelling test! Woohoo!
Bellatrix: [not looking impressed at all] I need a place to take my test
Christy: Well, lets clear your desk off again and put the last papers away
[clearing of desk from math]
Bellatrix: [growl] Mom! I don’t need another pencil
Christy: It rolled man, it wanted to help
Bellatrix: Sorry Mom, I’m a bit cray cray
Christy: I feel ya hon, it’s a dreary day
Bellatrix: [mumbling under breath] I wish I had some chocolate
Christy: [yoda impression] Ah yes, chocolate, learning quickly the secrets of womanhood you are.

(photo of spelling test)

Bellatrix: [facepalm] You’re so weird Mom

Christy: [grinning] “Unrepentantly” (said in test giving voice)

Bellatrix: [snort] I’m not trying to spell that


Dave: We’ve decided to start another category Christy: We’re  calling it “Kid Bits”

Dave: Because our youngest tosses out some interesting observations and zingers sometimes, lol.

Here’s the most recent…

Christy: So Bella is reading The Number Devil (great book btw)

and she sees an illustration of a whole line of numbers and is like, “Wow, look at that long number” and I was like, “Yeah you could start counting now and not stop til the day you die and you still wouldn’t be done counting because numbers go on forever”

She was pretty impressed of course and threw out some of the higher numbers she’s heard and asked if it was more than that which I confirmed. So she nods and goes back to reading. A couple minutes later I heard…. ‘You know Mom, dying happens when you relax too hard’

Dave: [facepalm]

Christy: I really don’t know where she comes up with this stuff

Dave: [shaking head and laughing] But she might be right